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The Beginning Of A Millionaire by Satrio Kusuma

Satrio Kusuma (MNM Student)

My school principal, Dr. Crimone, emailed the students of NACA that a new club, "Money Not Magic," will start up soon. I was quite intrigued by it, so I read more into it. When I realized it was about finance, loans, and stocks, I became more interested in it.

I first became interested in money when I got my first dollar and learned about stocks on an app called TikTok. At first, I thought it was going to be a boring after school club. However, my mind changed after the first meeting.* The co-founders, Angela, Alina, and Michelle, greeted me and I greeted them back. I made the decision to join the club because in the future I would love to keep my money in the check, and because of their group interactions.

As I was listening to what they had said, my mind was not tiresome unlike the other clubs I had joined. They had point systems, prizes and more exciting additions, which in my eyes could really help classmates interact with the club more. When I did speech and debate in 6th grade, it did not really fascinate me due to the lack of interest in the activities they had done, and so on. So, I decided to quit and find out which club interests me the most.

During the first meeting, my teammates and I did this very interesting activity about budgets, which will ultimately help improve my budgeting skills. I believe that this club will help me gain further knowledge of how to keep my money stable in the future.

In conclusion, this first meeting really piqued my interest about the club, and I would really like to be there again!

*Editor's note: The meeting referenced was Money Not Magic's "We're Going On A Hike" workshop.


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