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How Much Do Content Creators Make? by Alayna Fu

Alayna Fu (MNM Student)

How much do content creators make?

To answer that age old question, let’s first find out what net worth is. Net worth is “the value of all the non-financial and financial assets owned by an individual or institution minus the value of all its outstanding liabilities.” This means that it’s what the content creator owns. If they were to sell their platform, this is the amount of money they would most likely receive.

Now that we know what net worth is, let’s actually see how much content creators make! To start, every content creator’s income is different. It depends on how large their following is, what platform they post on, and many other factors. Today we will focus on mainly Youtubers and Tiktokers. Let's see some examples!

Pewdiepie: Net worth~ 30-50 million Income~ 58.2 million Dream: Net worth~ 5 million Income~ 9 million

Mr Beast: Net worth~ 16 million Income~ 24 million

Jacksepticeye: Net worth~ 16 million Income~ 30 million

These are only a few of the millions and millions of money earned by content creators. The income ranges per person. If you want to become a content creator, I say, go for it! You might just make it!


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