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Money During the Holidays! by Hallie Dong

Hallie Dong (MNM Student)

The holidays, a snowy, cheery season, are here at this time of year, and with them come lots and lots and lots… of spending. In fact, has there ever been a time where a holiday hasn’t been bombarded with the "30% sale!" signs on every wall, ad, website, and magazine? That’s something to think about. So today, I will leave you with a few tips to cut down a little on the spending, or at least do it wisely, and with that, begin to realize the true meaning of the holiday season once more.

Now, how many times have you bought something absolutely amazing and great for someone else, so much that you wanted it for yourself as well? And that’s how you felt when you bought gifts for the rest of the people you could think of, and the list went on, and on, and then—$1,000,000?! (Okay, maybe that was an exaggeration.) But, the point is, you didn’t have a consistent plan of following your gift list. Maybe… you didn’t have one at all! This is a problem because it causes us to lose track of money and overspend. It is strongly recommended that you get a gift list—and stick to it. Because, come on, at the check-out, who wants to fake a smile and pay a million dollars?

Another problem is the debt we often come up with. Using a credit card is especially easy to spend as much as you want, without even realizing it. This is why using cash instead of credit cards can help with this, and by a lot. Think about it—if you pulled out a bunch of dollar bills to pay, wouldn’t that feel much more real than a plastic card you could just keep swiping again and again, with seemingly unlimited money?

Lastly, I would like to leave you all with a thought. Now that we’ve gotten to explore some great spending and saving habits and tips for the holiday season, I think it’s time that we would look a little beyond this. Take a break; don’t worry so much about the money. And truly experience these last days of 2020, the craziest year we’ve had in a long time, one that we will always remember. Merry Christmas and happy holidays!


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